I know so many of you have joined the “working from home” community due to current circumstances. Some of you may have adjusted well, whereas some of us struggle to find oursleves in new situations like these. In this blog post I want to write how to keep your home office filled with positive energy. As someone that works from home part time for several years now, I have tried and tested a few methods to help you feel great in your work space.
First of all, dedicate a work space in your house for all your work and equipment. Try to find a desk or a corner in your house where you can store your laptop/computer & stationary. This allows our minds to seperate home from work a little better, instead of just lounging with our laptops on our beds. This way we set the action of “going to work” by heading over to our work space, and when we take lunch breaks we can easily change our scene by heading to the sofa or the garden! Make sure this work space is clean & clear. Clutter means foggy mind. Clean space means clear mind, and therefore we work to our fullest potential.
Crystals at the Office
As someone who loves Crystals, and sells them as you know, one of the things that must be nearby my work station is a selection of crystals! I personally have 2 crystal lamps on my desk, a selenite & orange calcite (not visible in images). The energy off these beauties is incredible, calming and peaceful. I also recommend keeping a carnelian close by, to help with creativity and motivation. If there are any crystals in particular you love & are drawn to, don’t hesitate to keep them on your work desk. They will boost your positivity levels, and therefore work capacity. Make sure to cleanse them appropriatley and regularly or after you feel they’ve soaked up too much energy.
Aroma Zone
Ever noticed that when you smell nice things around, your mood uplifts and you feel energized and even motivated? That’s because certain smells have those effects on our mind. In particular I suggest essential oils, they have amazing properties of calming, uplifting and energizing. You can use essential oils on your pulse points or I highly recommend an essential oil diffuser. This way the smell circulates your whole room, giving your senses the positive boost it deserves. You can find excellent essential oils & diffusers that I personally use here. You can create your own blends by mixing a few drops of a couple oils to create your own desired vibe.
Food to lift the Mood
I love to have a little snack ready on my desk for those moments my mind wonders to food, but it’s not quite lunch break time. A piece of fruit or healthy treat, with a cup of tea/coffee is a great midday boost whilst working. It gives you a quick boost of energy and satisfies your belly. We have to be fueled correctly in order to work efficiently, so nutrition is very important. Healthy snacks & water on your desk is a good shout! Just remember though, when it comes to lunch, step away from your desk and eat in your own peace, focusing on your beautiful meal.
Create & Motivate
Get creative! Make your work space as beautiful and fun as YOU want it to be. This is the perfect time to get fancy, fun and colourful. You can print out cool art work and hang it around, you can make your own crafts and even invlove your kids to help! You can decorate your stationary like notebooks to boost creativity flow. I know this works for me. When I have colourful or beautifully decorated pads, my creativity flows with ease. You can get your fancy pens out and use them with pride. You can even decorate your computer! Hang some photos of friends around to also remind you of the lovely times and people in your life. Motivational quotes are great too, as are affirmations. These little deocrations and motivation boosters will help keep your work space fun, creative and the way YOU like them. Bye bye boring work space!!!
Those are some of my simple yet effective few ways to spruce up your work space, keep the positive energy and still feel like you’re productive at work. This is a great time to personalise your work station to how you like it. Have fun with it, include things you love to look at. I’d love to see some pictures of your at home offices!
Lots of love, and stay safe! xxx
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